Feel the care in your hair
Together with NIVEA we set the mission to step beyond the usual communication based on product benefits and formulas. We wanted digitally transport their brand promise „Feel the care in your hair”, supporting consumer with their actual daily hair needs."
Our solution: the NIVEA Hair Care Companion. A digital experience that brings professional hair care and styling advice to the homes of everyday consumers. With over 50 tutorials available, interactive filters allow people to find the right style for their hair type and event, together with the right product recommendations. Tips and tricks allow people to find the answers to their care questions and understand the type of care needed for their particular hair. (The site also offered for the first time tips and video tutorials for moms on styling with their children.
We brought a brand statement to life resulting in a drastic lift (NUMBERS?) in repeat visits and views to the digital properties with single videos being watched over and over. Consumers have been coming back on a regular basis and are truly engaging with the brand.
With the NIVEA Hair Care Companion we proved NIVEA Hair’s commitment to care with a value-adding allowing consumers to experience care in multiple ways. And for life! 

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